Friday, September 20, 2013

Self as a Knower

Two ways of Areas of Knowledge that describes myself are math and natural sciences, because I have a very logically way of thinking so therefore to me maths and sciences makes more sense than something like the arts. Also when I started high school I knew within the first year that I was going to take HL biology and HL math. Another thing is that even though I have no idea what I am going to do with the rest of my life I do know that I am going to do something that has to do with the maths or natural sciences because is what I hae always been interested in and passionate about.
My two Ways of Knowing that describe me best are reason and emotion. A lot of the things I do have to have a solid reason behind it and I will not just accept something as it is and will always question it until I am told a reason behind it. For example in math I cannot just accept an idea i need the reason behind it explained to me before I accept it. Also when I do something I need to have a reason behind it and most of the time it pertains to a bigger picture. For example I knew that I would be taking HL math as a class not only because I love math but because I know that it will help me out later in life. Also my reason behind doing the full IB is because I knew that it would benefit me and make me a more well rounded student. Even though I know a lot from reason I also consider emotions a lot, but usually not my own. I know things based on other people's emotions and try to consider other people's emotions when reasoning out a decision that I need to make. For example when I go to concerts and decide who to take with me I always consider other people's emotions. In August I went to a concert and had two extra tickets but I only brought one friend because I knew that if I brought another person someone's emotions would get hurt.
I personally think that I am a very reflective person because I always look back at the things I have done and the decisions that I have made and think of ways that I could have done something better and if I was put in that position again in the future what I could do better. Also every time I make a mistake I always try to learn from it and think of things that I could do better the next time. Also I think it is hard for me to be a risk taker and to express it well. In general I do not like to do things that there is a chance that I would not succeed. Sometimes I would take academic risk taking such as taking HL math but for the most part I general like to play it save and stay in my comfort zone, which is something I know I need to improve on.

I feel this picture describes me because I think a lot and always have something going though my head but since I am generally quiet and shy it stays in my head instead of being expressed.
"10 Myths About Introverts, article from | eesahmu - [isamu] : Japanese for courage." eesahmu - [isamu] : Japanese for courage | Race and Faith from an Asian American Perspective. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2013. <>.

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