Friday, March 21, 2014

Reflection on "Turning powerful stats into art"

1. Write a definition of "art".
Art is either something that someone is proud of when they make it and it does not necessarily have a deeper meaning to it, but just something that the creator of it put work into it and is proud of it. Another definition of art, is something that moves you and has a deeper mean or appeals to your emotions and triggers thought when you see it.

2. How does the photographer, Chris Jordan, 'tap' the power of imagination for a purpose other than creating a work of art?
The photographer helps the audience understand the culture that we in live and understand statistics more though his art work. The photographer uses this power of imagination to help the audience know what is surrounding us in a way in which we understand, which is the meaning for his artwork. The artwork makes the audience think about the American society as a whole and makes the audience realize that every single person has an impact on the American society as a whole. The photographer is not trying to criticize the American society, but trying to make us aware so that the people know that if they do not like what they are seeing they can change it.

3. Without Chris Jordan's imaginative use of art to portray the examples discussed in talk, would your knowledge of the social phenomena discussed be diminished?
My knowledge of the social phenomena discussed would not be as thorough without the use of his art, and the statistics that he used in his artwork would not make me feel any particular way toward it, if it wasn't for the art work. Chris Jordan touched upon the idea that the human brain cannot comprehend the concept of such large numbers, but visually we can understand it a lot better. The knowledge that I learned from the statistics, I would have easily forgotten, but since Chris Jordan used artwork to portray the examples discussed, I will remember them. Chris Jordan used the idea that visuals help people learn and remember things, and that visuals bring up emotions, to convey the message of the social phenomena around us.

4. Name one other "social phenomenon" that would fit in well with the sorts of examples depicted by Chris Jordan, and describe a possible "work of art" of your own that you believe would use imagination as a means toward further understanding. If you fall short of another example, you may choose one of Jordan's examples, and propose your own 'work of art' idea.
Another social phenomenon in the American society is the amount of meat that our society eats on a daily basis. I do not know exactly how many, but I do know that millions of chickens are killed and consumed each day. A way to depict this image is to show a few chickens, like Christ Jordan started doing, then to zoom out to see how many chickens there are that are killed each day. This would be a lot like Chris Jordan's artwork that showed how many teens start smoking each year, with each cigarette representing one person.  Depending on your point of view, this may not be a bad thing, but it would really show to the viewer how much food we consume each day, and make the audience wonder if it is necessary that in our modern society if it is necessary that so many lives have to be killed each day.

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