Friday, February 14, 2014

Sense-Perception: Real Life Examples

Examine how knowledge gained by sense perception helps individual(s) be "successful" in each real-life situation
1. One of your IB subjects

In HL biology ones sense are extremely important in being successful. In biology we do a lot of labs and when doing labs what you see is extremely important because your observations are your results for the lab. Sense are also very important for safety in a lab. If someone smells a chemical or fire that means there might be something going wrong with the lab, which can be dangerous depending on the lab that one does. 

2. Winter Olympic Sports- Figure Skating

Senses are extremely important for figure skating. The sense of touching is important for partner figure skating because it is important to feel your partner to know that they are holding you in the right position. Another important sense is balance, because balance is key for figure skating because without balance one will fall and hurt themselves and not be able to preform correctly. Finally an important sense is the sense of time because the figure skaters need to know that they are on the right time with their music. 

3. Area of knowledge

Sense perception is very important in the arts. When drawing or painting a lot of the time people with draw what they see, and some people may perceive what they see differently than other people.  Also when a final piece of art is complete, everyone will see the art piece differently and everyone will notice different parts off it.

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